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Best selling Bowls Grip/ Polish in the world. Comes with Flip Lid (NEW)
30 tubes / 40 grams each
Bowl spray. Mark bowls without touching. 20 cans/ 10 grams each - White spray
Bowl grip a proven performer in wet conditions. Grip preferred in UK.
20 tubes / 20 grams each
The smallest amount on your fingers will give you a perfect grip.
30 tubes /15 grams each
Adjustable lifter, set of 6. Compacts from 11 inches, twist and expand to 35 inches. Can be adjusted any size between 11" and 35".
Comes in Black or Blue
String Measure w/ calipers
6 measures per pack. Blue/ Red/ Yellow/ Purple (Limited time)
- All colors In Stock
Metal Measure w/ calipers
6 measures per pack. Blue/ White/ Yellow
- All colors In Stock
PRE ORDER ONLY - Arriving end of March
10 Pack of Slings. Fits sizes 000 to 2. Transport from club storage to green and keeps bowls in place on your racks
- In Stock
Set of 16 mats will be a complete set for an 8 rink green. Branded Henselite mats.
Purchase 6 sets of bowls. Pick from in stock bowls. Receive a $50 per set discount.
Ship to any location in USA and CANADA